Noises In Your Clearwater Home

As a wildlife removal company, AAAC Wildlife Removal receives many calls from homeowners hearing noises in their homes in Clearwater. What and when you hear these noises can be indicators of what type of animal you may have visiting your home. Most animals will be a bit quieter during the day when your family is more active and making noise. Our noise can also drown them out during the day. Some animals like raccoons or rats are nocturnal and will be more active at night, making it easier to hear them when you are going to sleep. The size of the animal will also affect the noise you hear.

Raccoons are large animals and will make sounds more similar to walking than mice and other smaller animals that make scampering sounds. Some sounds you may hear at night if an animal has made a nesting area in your home are:

  • Thumping: this sound is more likely a larger animal, like a raccoon or opossum. They will make this noise simply moving from one area of the attic to another.
  • Vocalizations: crying, mewling, chittering, growling, screeching, or whining is often a sign babies. Mice, opossums, squirrels and rats rarely make vocalizations in this situation. Babies may be getting hungry waiting for mom to return with food and their mewling, crying, whining, or chittering  will be loud enough to be heard.
  • Walking: If you hear what sounds like a very small child walking overhead, that will probably be larger animals.
  • Scratching: Squirrels, mice, rats, and raccoons will scratch. They do this when making the den, They may be moving insulation to make a nice nest area or even hiding food. Mice may scratch at sheetrock and raccoons may scratch at wood beams. Since you are hearing the sound at night it probably will not be a squirrel, they are not nocturnal. They most often will be sleeping at night.
  • Rolling ball noises: If you hear sounds that sound like a ball rolling over your head it may be a squirrel rolling their nuts across the floor before they hide them. Another animal that does this is rats but the timing may differ. Rats are nocturnal and squirrels are not. So rolling ball noises after dark are more likely rats. If it is daytime or just before dusk it may be squirrels.
  • Scurrying or scampering: Mice, rats, and squirrels moving around will make a scurrying sound. Since the noises are at night it will more likely be rats or mice. If however it is more active in the daytime then it may be squirrels.
A raccoon behind a brickwork wall with a trap sitting in front

Raccoon Noises Clearwater

If you have identified the sounds as thumping, walking and vocal sounds, then you most likely have raccoons. They are most likely seeking a den inside a house as it’s a safe place to give birth. That means you probably have an adult female and up to 6 babies. It may sound simple to locate the entry/exit point and set a trap, however if you do this and trap a mom then the babies will starve and the result will be a very strong odor that will not disappear anytime soon. The result will be the same if you close the entry/exit point without making sure all of them are out of the house. Please contact us and have a professional assess the situation before taking action: 813-563-9453.

Even a single adult stuck inside with no food will starve and make a very unpleasant odor. So consider calling in a AAAC Wildlife Removal conduct a thorough inspection. We will be able to take care of removing any babies which often has to be done by hand. We also are aware of state laws. In many states there are laws regarding the legal status of raccoons. These laws determine what can be done with any found in your home. After ensuring all they have been removed and properly taken care of, we can help in repairing any damage, aiding in preventing any new ones from entering your home, and safely clearing the area the feces – which is hazardous and often carries disease.

Raccoon Removal Services in Clearwater

Raccoon Removal

Removal and control of raccoons in Clearwater. Including removal of raccoons and their young from homes and attics.

Raccoon Damage Repairs

We repair damage caused by raccoon in homes and attics. Raccoons can cause damage to yards, porches, and garages.

Raccoons In Chimney

Raccoons will build nests in the chimney of your home to raise their young. We remove them and seal up the chimney.

Raccoon Diseases

Raccoons can be more than a nuisance in or around your home – raccoons can carry a number of diseases.

Raccoons Under Home

Raccoons will often get under your Clearwater home. A crawlspace is a perfect place for them to build a nest. We can remove them and seal up entry points.

Noises At Night?

Thumping, scratching, growling noises in your home? You may have a raccoon problem. They are nocturnal animals.